
Which currencies are supported?

All our 24-hour realtime charts are based on one of a set of supported currencies.

At present, these currencies are: ARS, AUD, BGN, BRL, CAD, CHF, CZK, DKK, EUR, GBP, HKD, HUF, ILS, NOK, NZD, PLN, RON, RUB, SEK, TRY, UAH, USD.
(All currency codes refer to ISO-4217, see also

Here is a Gold chart in four variations, either based on USD (US Dollar), or on EUR (Euro), or on HUF (Hungarian Forint), or on HKD (Hongkong Dollar).

Gold in US Dollar:
Chart image for XAU-USD-M.png
Gold in Euro:
Chart image for XAU-EUR-M.png
Gold in Forint:
Chart image for XAU-HUF-M.png
Gold in Honkong Dollar:
Chart image for XAU-HKD-M.png

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Chart image for XAU-BGN-M.png Chart image for XAU-RON-M.png
Chart image for XAU-ILS-M.png
Chart image for ILS-XAU-M.png

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